Sunday, November 30, 2008

And among other things - Twilight the movie

The water today's freezing.
At the end of 2+hrs, Deirdre and I did 10 x 25m FR kick.
OMG...felt so faint after cheonging and did not warm down.
'Coz it looked like a storm was coming.
Even walking home, I was afraid I'd throw up or keel over by the road side.
But I deserved it la.


Twilight the movie was slightly disappointing.
They really did follow most parts of the book,
though it felt like I was speed reading and every chapter I skipped some pages.
Many times I caught myself thinking,

Eh? Didn't they do this and this first? -_-

If you wanna watch it and can't wait for it to open in Dec,
you should be able to find it online if you search hard enough.
But obviously quality wise it's gonna be what-you-did-not-pay-for.

So now I'm still pondering if I should watch it in the theaters.
Maybe it will be better? I'm so not satisfied!

If you haven't read the book, I suggest watching the movie first.
The casting people also made sure that Bella had multi-racial love interests...
Ang moh, Chinese, Native and there was supposed to be a black guy as well
if I said anything more, it might turn into a spoiler.

The best part about the movie is the intensity between Bella and Edward.
Especially towards the end...
it's sweeter when you have a taste of fruit thats forbidden.

Now I definitely want to watch it again
in High Definition with Good Quality sound effects.
*nods vigourously*
Was I unconciously trying to psycho myself into doing so????

I started on a new series...
It's called True Blood,
recommended by someone from the movie forum.
Oh man...
Will I ever stop?

True Blood is for adults.
I stress...

Kids under the age of 16,
should NOT watch it.
It will burn your eyes and make you stupid.

I don't think they'll ever show it in Sg.
By the time they censor all that's meant to be censored...
a typical episode is about 50+mins,
the censored version would be around 20mins.
YES! it's THAT much!
I watched the censored version FIRST
and then gave up because the storyline got cut off all over the place and I couldn't follow.
Yeah, strange people would suddenly pop up into a scene and talk about
stuff that happened before and then you're like...


The amount of censorship probably is the same as
Sex and the City & The L word.
Highly recommended to Emily!
It's got vamps and a whole lot of what you like best.


I am anticipating dinner tomorrow

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Mumbai Terror Attacks

earth to earth, ashes to ashes, dust to dust;
Have you read about it?
Originally did not want to blog about the world today.
It's too depressing.
But I can't get over my heavy heart.

I haven't been keeping up with the Mumbai situation ever since
reading Today's newspaper report on the hostage's 2 family members flying over.
In my mind, I naively thought that it was more like a kidnap and
they were going over to settle some sort of ransom.

Grace smsed me this morning.
Looking at the short preview i saw this:

Do you find the hos...

Slightly panicky as the word looks like hospital and
we all know that hospitals just mean bad news.
The whole message read :

Do you find the hostage who was killed familiar?

Alarm bells ringing already. Crap!
So I answered that I haven't seen any photos and don't know.
Then I asked :

Do we know her? Are we supposed to know her?

Grace though she's not sure thinks she's our senior from MGS.
So now I'm online looking at her photo.
I don't recognize her but I keep thinking she looks so happy in this picture.

pic & report from
THE Mumbai terror attacks claimed a Singaporean victim when lawyer Lo Hwei Yen, 28, was confirmed among the dead last night.

She is the first Singaporean to die in a terrorist attack.

The tragic task of identifying her body fell to her husband, Mr Michael Puhaindran, who had flown to Mumbai on Thursday night.

The couple held their wedding in Bali only in June last year.

Mr Puhaindran, 37, last heard from his wife through two phone calls she made to him on Thursday after being taken hostage at The Oberoi Trident Hotel.

She had gone to Mumbai on Wednesday to attend a business seminar and it was meant to be only a one-night trip.

Last night, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs confirmed that the worst had happened.

Her body, found on the 19th floor of the hotel, was identified at 9.35pm Singapore time by Mr Puhaindran, accompanied by the High Commissioner and an aunt.

She was among 24 Oberoi hotel hostages found dead yesterday.

Acting Prime Minister S. Jayakumar said in a statement last night that he and his Cabinet colleagues were painfully saddened, and added that all Singaporeans shared the family's grief.

Senior Minister Goh Chok Tong also expressed sadness, saying that he had attended the couple's wedding last year.

Ms Lo's father-in-law, Mr Stanley Puhaindran, has been a long-time grassroots leader in Mr Goh's Marine Parade constituency. SM Goh visited the family last night.

Over at the home of Ms Lo's parents in Lower Delta, her younger sisters Hwei Shan, 25, and Hwei Rong, 23, had been waiting anxiously all day for news.

Ms Lo was the eldest of the three children of a businessman and housewife. Her father has been away on business but was returning home, the family said.

A law graduate of the National University of Singapore, Ms Lo worked with Stephenson Harwood, a foreign law firm based here.

She called her husband twice from Mumbai on Thursday, Hwei Shan told The Straits Times.

In the first call at 2am on Thursday, she said that she had heard gunfire and the hotel staff had told her to move to another level.

In her second call, at about 6am, she said that she had been taken hostage.

Foreign Affairs Ministry official Jai S. Sohan confirmed last night that Ms Lo had passed her husband a message from her captors.

An Indian news channel had reported that the terrorists had held the woman at gunpoint and ordered her to tell the Singapore Government to tell the Mumbai authorities to refrain from acting against them, or she would lose her life.

Mr Sohan said the ministry conveyed the message to the Indian authorities at a very senior level.

'We ask for your understanding as we could not confirm this earlier as the situation at that time was fluid and fast-evolving. It was also not appropriate at that time for us to do so for operational reasons,' he added.

Ms Lo's husband left for Mumbai on Thursday evening, accompanied by an aunt and ministry officials.

Family members in Singapore kept monitoring the news closely hoping for any hint that she might be safe.

But they began to fear the worst at about 5pm yesterday, when her husband got word that her wallet and handbag had been found.

He and his aunt were with Singapore diplomats keeping vigil near the Oberoi when news came that more bodies had been found inside.

They were led inside to identify the body and came out looking shaken.

Mr Puhaindran and Foreign Ministry officials broke the tragic news to the family here at 10pm, just before the ministry held a press conference that was broadcast live on television.

'She was bubbly, cheerful and very protective of us as the older sister,' said Hwei Shan.

Additional reporting by Kor Kian Beng


Seriously, those people who thought up all these hurtful things...
Why can't they just refrain from forcing innocent bystanders
into their hateful plans?
It's like if they have a death wish, please go ahead.
Write a suicide note or whatever.
But don't get other people involved.
Argh! Go Away!

I've been so contented reading manga day after day.
Going to work, eat, sleep, taking pictures,
talking nonsense with the nonsense people around me,
thinking about training but actually not doing so.

It's probably because I'm running away from reality,
trying to ignore the serious issues that are happening.
This is the reason why I only like movies with happy endings.

Even though my life is like so not happening...
Fi, I agree with you...
Sometimes we should just be grateful for the littlest things we do have.

But you know, I'm kinda glad that most of the articles
consists of little bits of information about her.
At least she's not being treated like just a statistic.
Hate it when they write it like this
The 21 foreigners killed included the Israelis, two Americans, two French nationals, two Australians, a German, a Japanese, a Canadian, a British Cypriot, an Italian and a Singaporean.

Because not only is she a Singaporean,
a lawyer, she is also
someone's sister,
someone's wife &
someone's daughter.

Dear Hwei Yen, may you rest in peace.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

The House Bunny

After soooo long, I'm getting to watch
The House Bunny.

credit to

some of the other girls in the show...
i think the house rule is that u must show

credits to this site.

Stunning! This should be after the makeover...
not sure but I'm less than 5mins into the movie and blogging already!

credits to this site.

And My Aunty came to visit...


LOL quote -
First we must highlight your eyes...
The eyes are the nipples of the face.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

The Twilight Saga, find me a vampire quick!

Where to start?
If you like Harry's not it...


I want to change my name to Bella and live in some
obscure cloudy rain filled place called Forks.
What a name!

It's been a while since I've been this fired up about a random storybook.
Blood suckers and dead people aren't even in my 'To-Read' genre!

A pair of hands holding an apple is the first thing you see.
And I've seen it before, a looong time ago at Borders but nothing's made me
pick it up and devour it's contents.

It looks dark, scary and screams of Adam & Eve.
And in the back of my mind I'm like, "Eve!! PUT THAT APPLE DOWN!!!!"
'Coz my mind works in this way...

Adam & Eve = forbidden fruit = evil = scary = Don't read!

But the movie piqued my interest.

A few entries back, I mentioned wanting to watch Twilight the movie
with no intention of reading the book...

The weirdest thing was...after that entry,
one of my students, Deirdre asked if I wanted to borrow the book.
I forgot how we came to talking about Twilight but mostly,
she was gushing and I was listening.

In that 5mins that she was talking non stop about Edward and Bella,
I was zoning out.
'Coz like...
Who si Edward?? Who si Bella?? And sooo many other names she mentioned.
I don't know all of them!!! And I don't like strangers!!!
She was going to try and explain the story plot(s) and I also found out from her
that Twilight is a SAGA!! There's at least 4 books la...

Luckily she explained to me that each book sorta has it's own conclusion.
Else I would never have borrowed the book.

Digress : It might seem like Deirdre and I were talking the whole of swimming lesson but
it's not the case and we swam alot on that day. a week later she passed me the book,
pleasantly surprised that she remembered.
While I was unpleasantly shocked when I saw the book.
It's freaking thick lo!

So dreading the time when I'd to return the book and Deirdre
asks me how I'd enjoy reading Twilight.
What to say then? *stress*

Look at it! It's approximately 1.7" ah...

The book was with me on a Sunday.
Left it on the kitchen table and every time I walked past it, I felt so horrid.
To read or not to read?

Finally the guilty me picked up the book on Tuesday and read the blurb.

About three things, I was absolutely positive.

First, Edward was a vampire.

Second, there was a part of him -
and I didn't know how dominant that part might be -
that thirsted for my blood.

And third, I was unconditionally and irrevocably
in love with him.


And then I casually flipped the pages.
My pores were oozing with relief.
The words were unexpectedly big!!!
All that stress for nothing!

If you can read the text, the last paragraph is when they first met.

So on that fateful Tuesday, I started reading Twilight.

My first few words being blocked by a $5 note.
Deirdre...what are you doing?
First time I get paid to read le.
Or is the 5 bucks a bookmark?

More importantly, can i borrow more books from you?!?

In between many other distractions,
I finished reading Twilight at 6am on Wednesday night.
*panda eyes*
The thing is when I finally started reading, I could not stop.
Just couldn't!
It's like my right eye would twitch non-stop and I still kept reading.
Using only my left eye.

Such is the power of the forbidden love between Edward and Bella.
There's not as much gore and blood sucking as previously feared.
It's more of a love story than anything else.
The author, Stephenie Meyer has this sarcastic humor that I identify with and it's like a RA version of Enid Blyton.

Apparently there are many moms of young fans who are also huge fans of the book.
It probably gave them their 'di er chun' (second spring).
Also there's a little twist near the end but I don't want to give anything away.
I'm glad I read it.
Thanks Deirdre! =)

So from a complete Noob, I'm trawling the internet for information of the saga.
And I chanced upon a site where I read some spoilers regarding the 2nd book.
I'm thinking of buying the entire set
so I can re-read them whenever I want to.

Did I mention it's a saga?
Apparently...apparently...apparently...there's supposed to be a 5th book,
Midnight Sun,
that's in the editing process but got leaked onto the net.
So the author is deciding whether to end with the 4th book,
Breaking Dawn.

I'm not sure at all!
If there's like 7 books I'll have to wait how long?!??!
Stress again...

But anyhow, it's a good light read and I doubt
I'll be able to find a girl who says otherwise.

So what are you waiting for?

Go on...
Take a Bite...

Waraku Promotion!

Wooo!! It's good to be a girl! hahaha!
Need to find 3 more girls tho.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Tell me what to blog - Give me a direction...please?

There are many things I want to blog about but don't think there's that much time.
The 3 main things would no preferential order.

  • Twilight the book.
  • Sophie Edington, an Aussie swimmer.
  • Ikea night out with Fi and Dawnie.

Please comment or leave a tag as to which I should blog first.
I cannot decide!!
It's like I'm trying to do everything and end up not doing anything.
Tell me please!!

Thank U!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Crocs Expo Sale - Long pic filled post

It all started with Grace sending an email about the Crocs Warehouse Sale.
She must have thought of me coz I'm wearing my Beach and Maryjane Crocs all over the place.

The advert above I forwarded to my COLOR crocs loving girls and Fi sent a mail back saying she was gonna forward it out when she received the mail from me.

It's FATE la!!!

We were so not prepared, time and place to meet was decided on the very last minute.
That morning I was supposed to wake up at 8am but my ears have become rather immune to the ringing from hp's alarm.
Woke up at 9.30am and I take an hour to get to Expo...hahahah!

The whole 'early bird catches the worm' does not apply to me.

Time and Place : Tanah Merah MRT 11am.

Fi arrived first.
When I found her, she said in a worried voice,
Eh, alot of people leh (aka alot of aunties leh...)

Waiting for the train that goes to Expo.
Finger exercises put to good use.

(Mentally) Preparing for war...

Looking at the pictures now, makes me feel scared.
Look at the crowd.

When you enter the convention hall, they give you a rather huge semi-clear plastic bag.
For you to be your own Father Christmas.
It's like you've arrived to

Instead of candycanes and fun filled rides...
You get mini mountains of carton boxes filled with
Crocs flip flops, Crocs shoes, Crocs sandals etc.

The organizers set up the back area of the Expo hall to sell their wares.
Let me put it this way, the only way to stop the crowd from tearing open all the carton boxes, was a row of tables and the people behind them.
Tables to put 'SAMPLES' and act as a baracade.
People to 'help' get the model or shoe size you want.

And if you wanted to get Crocs footwear in your size or model, be prepared to jump, raise your voice, wave your hands madly in the air to get noticed.
Else, forget it.
You're never going to get anything.
You'll have to pick whatever other people have discarded, off the FLOOR!

In the area of free-for-all-kinda SALE, Fi is much better than I am.
She bravely squeezed her way to the front of the table and got some out for the both of us.
Thanks babe!
But the most memorable line I remember her saying is,

I cannot squeeze here, in front all aunties. Cannot fight with aunties, can never win. They'll never move one.

hahahaha!! Damn funny la, I was laughing like crazy and people were looking at us like...

Em joined us slightly later.
When we found each other, she was already holding a few pairs of Kiddy Crocs.
Cannot wait lo...

Fi and Em holding some of their buys, the flower pot is actually a pocket.

Ariel and Aragorn's soon to be footwear.
(I'm sure that's what the organizers hope for...)

We wanted to get something for MinHui's belated birthday prezzie as she's been wanting a pair of Crocs.
The poor girl lost her wallet and phone near her birthday.
But the one that she wanted was Out Of Stock!
Looking back, think we should have gotten her a pair of MaryJanes!

While Fi was looking for MinHui's stuff, Em and I decided to join The Queue first.
Truth to be told, The Queue is the most fantastic thing ever.
It's the first time I couldn't find the end of a queue.
We walked the entire Expo to trace the tail of The Queue and found it,
at the place where we started the search for
The Queue

Barely 2mins in line and I've a lady asking me if I was lineing up to pay for my plastic bag worth of Crocs. She had to go find one more pair of Crocs so she got her kids to remember me, this jiejie (sister) in white. So if The Queue moved, they were to follow me.
WAH! Suddenly I'm like a impromptu nanny cum Q marker also! hahaha! But I don't mind.
And they're so cute also! The boho looking little girl is pretty!
It's just that I would have no hope ever of cutting Q with the 3 of them with me.

Anyway, when the Mommy came back around 5mins later.
She realized The Queue did not move (but it grew longer...).
So she asked the kids if they still wanted to wait. The youngest wanted to wait, I think she had her heart set on her Crocs. Older Sister was neutral but Big Brother didn't want to wait, think he suspect that he would have to Q 'til the next day.

In the end, Mommy decided not to buy the Crocs and meimei(younger sister) sounded like she wanted to cry already but Mommy finally managed to convince her that the wait would be too long. So Mommy offered the stuff in her plastic bag to us and that's how Fi got her Pearl Primas.
I notice we sound rather begger-ish.
If they really had somewhere to go, it was a good choice 'coz the girls and I were in
The Queue
for 3 HOURS!!!

You know, when you're in a
there are bound to be things you normally wouldn't do in real life.
So this is Fi, acting innocent after doing something...

So excited to see someone at the Expo 'coz I thought he was working part time there or something. Please forgive me, at that time I was only thinking of the many ways to make my wait in The Queue shorter.

Turns out he's just there for the sale like everyone else. CHEAH!
He was wearing this pass that looked rather official, so cannot blame me for assuming!

He left without buying anything, probably turned off by the crowd.
But so wasted la, could have asked us to queue up for you lo!

Anyway, one can really see the ugly side of people in situations like this.
Many MANY selfish people who just grabbed everything they could from the helpers
and later trot off to some empty area to try ALL their Crocs.
Dumping whatever else they don't wanna get on the floor.
At the end of the day, you'll see small mountains of Crocs littered on the floor.
And people scavenging through them.

It's like in the wild.
The lions go for the kill and leave the leftovers for the hyenas and vultures.
Sad to say, I was a hyena.

After 3hrs in The Queue, the total damage came up to
$170 (inclusive of Dawn's items).
Great deal for 7 items...wooot!

We were so hungry while paying for the Crocs, Em suckered us into going to
Northpoint Shopping Centre.
That place sucks!
It's under renovation and the number of eateries are either closed or really not that attractive.
Ended up eating at Xin Wang Hong Kong Cafe because of the poor choices in eateries.
WHAT! They have a website! I've no freaking idea how they can expand their branches to so many places.

Apparantly I'm not the only who thinks so.
The different groups of people I've gone with have ALL said the same thing.

Guess What?
I didn't know what the name of that Hong Kong Cafe that we went to, so I googled
"Hong Kong Cafe sucks"
and google threw up a stomp forum that also agreed that this particular HK Cafe is nonsense and not worth the money for it's food.

I had the beef spaghetti. The spaghetti was ok but the beef was horrid! I didn't even realize it's beef 'coz of the amount of flour/gelatine/ligament I was eating.

Fi had the don't know what porridge but she said
tastes like one of those Maggie instant porridge...
CRAP! Wanted to cheong (sprint in SuperSonic style) to 7-11 at that point and get the instant porridge to compare when she said that.
Just that it's not my area and don't know where the 7-11 was.

Em had the pork rice thing with wanton soup. She didn't have nice things to say about them either and couldn't finish the wantons in the soup 'coz it tastes like @#$@#%@$!
She said,
Wantons don't taste like this in Hong Kong.

I FULLY AGREE! Even roadside food taste better in Hong Kong or Bangkok!
How are they still surviving and expanding branches left, right and centre is beyond me!


After getting out of NorthPoint, we went to town to meet up with Dawnie!
Hung out at Paragon as somebody wanted to show me the winter jacket she's eyeing!

Before that, we had to get some dessert as our taste buds were so not satisfied from the late lunch. We decided to drop by P.S Cafe 'coz it always reminds us of somebody. hahaha!

I was in a 'i-need-chocolate' mood.
Not familiar with their menu so we got a recommendation for the double chocolate cake with ice-cream.
It was ALOT better than I imagined it to be.

Seriously, we went from Hell to Heaven.

Would have had another order of it, if my stomach wasn't about to burst.

While taking our order,
Harry asked if we just came from Bangkok.
Yeah...we just touched down and immediately went to have dessert at P.S Cafe...

Playing with my camera, Fi does a great job taking the artsy shots.
I'm crap at them.
I don't know how to think out of the box.

After dessert...We went to 'the winter jacket' shop.
Don't know the name of it.
It's their winter collection and they've alot of pretty things inside.
As in the photos, Fi and I was carrying the blue plastic bag around the whole of Paragon.
Yeah, so atas (high class) and I look like I just came back from Bangkok.

The kindly sales guy from 'the winter jacket' shop offered to take our bags to put it at the side of the shop, so we could shop with ease.
Apparently, it looked heavy.
I don't know if it was 'coz I was making the shop look cheap or he thought the bag was too heavy to carry around OR I was blocking other shoppers?
But Fi and I declined and I told him it's actually very light.
HAAHHA!! All crocs, it's even lighter than my sling bag...

Going-to-somewhere-winter-cold girl didn't buy the jacket she's been thinking about but got even more distracted with heaps of other designs.
One is never enough...

So we went to look at Planet Traveler, was it?
The only thing I liked there...was this Cow print thing.

Em, you should buy this!!!
Bring it when you go Bangkok and when you're tired you just sit on it, instead of looking for stools in every shop! haahha!
And if you're too tired to walk, sit on it and wheel yourself forward or get someone to pull you along!
Fantastic mini luggage!!

Then no where else to go, went to Metro to walk and look at more winter jackets.
Recommended one ah-mah looking jacket to her!! HAHAHAH!!
Think Fi would prefer to freeze and die before wearing that.

Feathers in Metro's X'mas trees!!
It's one of the X'mas trees that I like so far.
Freaking pretty!
It looks so pretty in pictures too!!

At 6pm, we were waiting for Dawnie outside Paragon,
entertained our silly selves by taking more pictures.
I (it was me!! Me MEMEMEMEME!!)
took this MEGA PRETTY shot of the both of them.
WAHHHH!!! It should be a postcard la!

It's a bears theme for Taka this year.
Wonder if they'll donate the bears after X'mas, that would be nice yeah.
It would be a turn off it they'd try to sell it.

I know! Super corny but it was the only thing I could think of.

By the way, I'm not really asking for a toy bear this X'mas.
Soft toys are just not my thing.

Waiting for our Crystal Jade table at the fountain near Taka Square.
Number 68!

Fi very unhappy with her KS bag.
The handle totally pok (fell? came? pok sounds better!) off when she pulled it at Expo.

The only photo I have at Crystal Jade, it's of Dawnie.
After that I kept my camera and concentrated on food.
I ate wanton mee! DELICIOUS!!

Guess whose leg...
Changed from Tai Tai fashion to Comfy Crocs?

P/S Didn't think it would come across as quite poor thing.
Everyone was kind enough to put up with me and didn't chase me out of their shops.
If you saw me in town and thought I looked like I got chased out of my home.
You should have passed me some bling bling!

The Crocs Sale post will end here with this picture...

Monday, November 17, 2008


Just joined Technorati and doing up the Crocs post at the same time.
But I could not wait to post this.
If you want to upload a photo on Technorati, it will tell u this,

Tip: Please do us a favor and upload a photo that does not show your very special but also very private parts. When you do that, we have to take time away from making our website faster and better to go find your profile and hide it, and that's bad for you and us. Thanks for helping!


I sometimes forget that these websites are actually run by real people and they may also have a great sense of humour. =)

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Sleep beckons but...

2.20AM and watching Liar Game Episode 7.
Suzanne! You're right, it's an excellent show. The writers for this series must have had scored A+ in their statistics, probability and human psyche. Some game rules are really so 'cheem' (high level) that even with the illustrations I can't understand the details. *water in the brain*

Crocs is having a warehouse sale! I was there (with 1 crazy girl and met up with another crazy woman)!! Pics will be up soon! Wish I bought more!!! Sale ends today!! Sunday 16 Nov 2008!! =)
SOOOO MANY things to do but I'm still spacing out.

On a whole other note, someone is pissing me off. Just can't help but feel that things are 'like that' because of your own fault. You brought it upon yourself.
In future, don't be suprised if i treat you indifferently.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Super Emo Post - go away pls.

It could be coz of the gloomy weather.
All grey skies and noisy pitter patter on aluminium makeshift shelters.

It could be coz I'm in PMS mode.
All the mood swings and lethargic leg feeling.

It could be coz I've been listening to Ne-yo's So Sick.
All the way through last night.

So now I'm feeling very unwell, my stomach hurts and my eyes feel like they need the help of some toothpicks to keep them open.

Every little thing is making me irritated.
I'll most likely be mean to random persons on the street if I go on like this.

Carrying on with being miserable...



Mom's counting a stack of old notes Grandma has been keeping.
The plan is that the money will be distributed to family members while she's still alive.
This is to avoid potential ugly scenes.

So there's alot of blue $1 boat notes and a stack of RED $2 notes.
Mom said,
...the $2 notes not distributing yet, it's going to be used as
ang pao (red packet) money when Grandma passes away.

Apparently, the ang pao is like passing on the family inheritance.

Damn emo today already then when I heard it, my eyes felt so hot and feel like crying.
Grandma not dead yet but have to think of wrapping inheritance ang pao and scared of family fighting over money.

Monday, November 10, 2008

How to Lose Friends & Alienate People

Graydon Carter, Vanity Fair editor: "Those who can't teach, write. Those who can't write, write about themselves —-- in Toby's case, endlessly".

Are you into Brit wit?

"Am I supposed to be afraid? I don't know the meaning of Fear."
"I'm sure there are Many words you don't know the meaning of."

" everybody is take out your breast, you're celebrity!"
"I think it really depends on the breast."

"This is New York...Women only date men who are successful..."
"I'm gonna be successful."
"...and tall."

If you can sit past some naked people with extra equipment, quite a bit of obscenities and a not-so-handsome main lead.
If you can see past all that, you'd be able to find something that we've known for quite sometime but have forgotten while being caught up in this rat race.

This movie's for you.

Synopsis: The film is base on Toby Young's memoir of the same name and also stars Kirsten Dunst, Danny Huston, Gillian Anderson, Megan Fox, Max Minghella and Jeff Bridges.
In this hilariously funny fish-out-of-water tale, How To Lose Friends & Alienate People tracks the outrageous escapades of Sidney Young (Simon Pegg), a smalltime, bumbling, British celebrity journalist who is hired by an upscale magazine in New York City. In spectacular fashion Sidney enters high society and burns bridges with bosses, peers and superstars.


No swimming today as it's been rainy the whole day.
Watched How to Lose Friends & Alienate People and have been listening to Haru Haru the whole day.

My dogs are taking their bath.
Should take some pics before they become smelly and unkempt again.
Btw, Money boy is 12 yrs old already! So far so good!
Hope he'll live a good long life. =)

Big Bang (빅뱅) Fanatic is Me!

Seriously, I wanted to go sleep but I saw this...
pictures of Big Bang (빅뱅).

Knew I had to post them before I could do anything else!

This pic rocks!!!
Dawn and Fi! We should do this some time!

Take a guess, who's my favourite member??


Did you get it right?

I like the rapper! He's T.O.P!

T.O.P's sis...she looks like a doll.


Anyway, this is my fav. song from them at the moment.

Haru Haru - Big Bang

Big Bang doing a cover of Ne-yo's So Sick.

If you've problem waking up in the mornings...this is a great vid to watch.

Satisfy my cravings 1 at a time.

Cravings come and cravings go...
only after they are satisfied.

My mom's watching Last One Standing on DVD!
It's very stressful to watch.
A lot of "he's-the-bad-guy-don't-trust-him" plots.
If you have free time and like hong kong drama series.
This is quite a good drama.
The acting is good too!

It's been nominated for Best Drama, Best Actor and Fav. Male Character Role in the
TVB Anniversary Awards.

The actor nominated is Kevin Cheng.
Saw him in Canopy of Love. I like!!


  • Name: 鄭嘉穎 (郑嘉颖) / Cheng Ka Wing (Zheng Jia Ying)
  • Profession: Actor, singer, and model
  • English name Kevin Cheng
  • Birthdate: 1970-Aug-15
  • Birthplace: United States
  • Height: 178cm
  • Weight: 63kg
  • Star sign: Leo
  • Chinese zodiac: Dog

Woo! He's already 38yrs old! Doesn't look it.
The result of a supremely well kept specimen. =)


Alright! I'm out of the Facebook phase already.
Honeymoon period is so over! Yay me!!

Aside from that, I need to get out and exercise more.
My knee is being problematic again.
Dear Mr. Weather, stop being rainy please!

I want to watch Twilight and The House Bunny.
Both of which I'm unable to find online!

A movie still from Twilight.

Im normally not a fan of vampire movies but the movie quality is just...WAH!
Saw the trailer and it's really fascinating.

And I've a date to go satisfy my KTV craving next week!!! WOOHOO!!!
I will work damn hard to build up my song list and memorize every word!

Ena's coming back soon!! 29 Nov, a date to remember.
You promised to go KTV together also ah!!
Maybe you and Em should celebrate at K-box?? HAHAHAAH!!!
Dawnie and I will sing Happy Birthday in Korean for you 2 ok!

p/s I ate half block of the M&S's Dark Chocolate Digestive Biscuits coz Grace showed me this...

Saturday, November 8, 2008

I'm a little fishie, watch me swim...

My kids taught me this...
Sing to the tune of "My Little Teapot".

I'm a little fishie, watch me swim.
Here is my tail and here is my fin.
When I want to have fun with my friends.
I'll wiggle my tail and dive right in.

So cute right! hahaha!
They learnt this song for their graduation concert.
One of them was a red fish cum sea anemone.
The other a seaweed.

We had so much fun playing and swimming today.
But I'm having backache now.
Help, I need massage!

Friday, November 7, 2008

Facebook Addict

Facebook is destroying my life!
I'm spending such an enormous amount of time there.
If I'm not on it, I'm thinking about it.

Lost about 50% of my concentration.
Didn't brush my teeth till like 12pm and after that couldn't recall if I did brush my teeth until I looked at the wash area and saw that it's sprinkled with water.
20 minutes ago, I had my dinner using my chopsticks the wrong way up.
Only realized after a few mouthfuls of noodles.
All because I'm playing Be a Tycoon, Mob Wars and Mafia Wars simultaneously!


ANYWAY, Mafia Wars is my favorite at the moment. I'm gloating over all these people.

Being new to these games, I didn't know that people could just attack you without you going into a fight, so for Mob Wars my gangster is just getting whacked all over the place.
So learning from mafia in Mafia Wars is a phreak!! WOOHOOO!!!

I didn't even go looking for fights lo, all these people will bu zi bu jue come and attack you.
(my mob boss is damn weak compared to my mafia, people keep stealing my $$ and once I almost died. RAWR!!)
Hahaha! Even though it's a game, I was feeling quite victimized la. BUT now, instead of feeling scared of the attacks, I WANT to get WHACKED (coz you get free experience points and $ if you win the fights).
Yay! my Mafia boy!


My powers of persuasion are non-existant.
Had a class where one of my little dare devils was playing with water.
He did ballet underwater...holding breath and turning ard and ard and a zillion times.
He was doing OK, till the last round where he ran out of air.
Came up with a red nose and choking and sputtering for air...

I said : Why?? Thirsty is it? Need to drink water??
Kid said : Nooo...*shake head*
I said : Water tastes like Coca-Cola right?
Kid said : Nooo...
I said : Pepsi??
Kid said : Nooo...
I said : Sprite?? Juice?? 7-Up??
Kid said : It tastes like there's medicine in it!

I cant even fake a four year old...


Spent money on clothing again on Thursday!
Dawn put thoughts into my head.




2 for $20...



And today in an sms, still ask me to buy some more.
Even after I told her that, the minute I open my cupboard, I see many many shorts.
Maybe I should do a post on my many many shorts then you'll be convinced le.


This is the type of leotard/leggings I've been mentioning.

photo credit to dragthis

It's supposed to be for training but...

I'll use them for extra protection against the sun!!
No more charcoal legs for me!! =)
So I'm looking for gym leotards!!!
Let me know if you happen to see any.

And talking about training...

I would wear the elephant shoes if they were in my size!

We took double the time to reach Pao Pao Cha...hahah!

As usual, nothing to do and feeling trigger happy.

You can't see it but there's an egg behind. This is after-training food.

Rest of the pics will be up at FaceBook!