First Aid class is finally over!!!
I can finally breathe proper again...the irony of it all.
Though it's not that difficult to pass,
the thought of exams/tests just make me feel so -urgh-, don't know what's the right word.
Maybe it's 'apprehensive' or maybe 'reluctant'?
But anyway, thank goodness it's over!
Ah Dawn ahhh! When you finally register your NROC, let me know ok!
I'll go with you. I think without constant urging and nagging,
I'll never register for NROC or get my license done.
*coz I don't use it at the moment ma!*
So on to happier things like ShapeRun09!
Fi had mentioned it for a while now but I've been reluctant, yes that word again.
Totally had no intention of signing up this year but when the mailer came and I saw this...

Guess what made me interested?!?!?!
And this year ShapeRun is massively popular!
In less than 2 days, their weekend registration has closed!
ALL 8000 slots have been filled!
Crazy! I'm guessing it must be the pink running tank!
(or the special-super-special-early-bird discount of $35)
And it's making me feel like I've won the Pink Lottery!
Double WOOHHOO!!
Poor Gerry, she got ousted by someone while trying to figure out her shirt sizing.
Gerry >> Next year must standby with your Blackberry STORM and sign up the minute your BLACKBERRY STORM gets alerted by the mailer!!
BTW, I'm getting more and more SOLD to having an iPhone,
apparently you can download the on your phone and search the meanings of all the long and cheem words as much as you want.
I'm sure there are other fantastic touch screen phones (HTC Dream?/Blackberry?) that could have more interesting uses but I'm just too distracted by this program alone.
*bimbo high on Pink Lottery*
This year could be gadget year for me.
I've got a new 'toy''.
It's for a certain purpose but also for convenience.
I''m using it right now.
Guess my toy!!
Winner will get $1!!!!
(This contest is closed to Fiona!)
I can finally breathe proper again...the irony of it all.
Though it's not that difficult to pass,
the thought of exams/tests just make me feel so -urgh-, don't know what's the right word.
Maybe it's 'apprehensive' or maybe 'reluctant'?
But anyway, thank goodness it's over!
Ah Dawn ahhh! When you finally register your NROC, let me know ok!
I'll go with you. I think without constant urging and nagging,
I'll never register for NROC or get my license done.
*coz I don't use it at the moment ma!*
So on to happier things like ShapeRun09!
Fi had mentioned it for a while now but I've been reluctant, yes that word again.
Totally had no intention of signing up this year but when the mailer came and I saw this...

Guess what made me interested?!?!?!
And this year ShapeRun is massively popular!
In less than 2 days, their weekend registration has closed!
ALL 8000 slots have been filled!
Crazy! I'm guessing it must be the pink running tank!
(or the special-super-special-early-bird discount of $35)
And it's making me feel like I've won the Pink Lottery!
Double WOOHHOO!!
Poor Gerry, she got ousted by someone while trying to figure out her shirt sizing.
Gerry >> Next year must standby with your Blackberry STORM and sign up the minute your BLACKBERRY STORM gets alerted by the mailer!!
BTW, I'm getting more and more SOLD to having an iPhone,
apparently you can download the on your phone and search the meanings of all the long and cheem words as much as you want.
I'm sure there are other fantastic touch screen phones (HTC Dream?/Blackberry?) that could have more interesting uses but I'm just too distracted by this program alone.
*bimbo high on Pink Lottery*
This year could be gadget year for me.
I've got a new 'toy''.
It's for a certain purpose but also for convenience.
I''m using it right now.
Guess my toy!!
Winner will get $1!!!!
(This contest is closed to Fiona!)
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