Monday, December 1, 2008

I'm insanely full from dinner and dessert!
*hug my round tummy tum tum*
Excellent company with good food from Waraku and P.S Cafe
Loves many many! =)

Ena's back and she got me a pink T from Adidas!
Thank U! =))

Pictures will be up when I've more time.

It's another happy day.
I've been kinda emo recently, like all the negative thoughts keep coming into my mind
I think it's 'coz I'm keeping an unhealthy lifestyle again.
Late nights (mornings rather...*smirk*) and junk food.

So from Tuesday, 2 December...
till 24 December 2008,
I will begin the Love Me program.

Things to Do:
  1. Cut my hair
  2. Exercise regularly
  3. Eat with care.
  4. Sleep before 1am
  5. Cut down my computer time. (this is the hardest! *sigh*)
  6. Drink enough water.
  7. Eat my vitamins.
  8. Moisturize! (ALOT!! MY skin is rotting! -_-)

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