Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Ruby Gettinger - Weight loss reality TV star

At a time when I'm losing motivation to eat properly and train,
I found her through Entertainment Tonight.

She once weighed 700pounds, that's around 350kg?
When I see over weight people walking around,
my first thought would be that they eat McDonalds 24/7.
I know it's not always true but it's the first thing that comes to mind.

From this short clip, it's give insight to how it would be like to weigh that much.
The trouble to get around and the social stigma,
really not worth it.

Cannot imagine how she would be able to take public transport in Sg.
Probably like take 4 seats if she sat down.
If I were her, I won't want to venture out of the house.
Everyday would be so stressful, thinking of what people would think and
where their eyes are looking.
I admit, I've stared at obese people and said nasty things about them before.

I really hope Ruby will JIA YOU, be healthy and
have a good reunion with her ex-boyfriend.
Errm, apparently her ex broke up with her 'coz
she didn't/couldn't lose weight.
The details are fuzzy.
RUBY!! I'm supporting you!! =)

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