Still remember not too long ago,
CK, Gerry and I were chatting, can't remember if Dawnie was there but anyway...
the topic was about oil prices and war.
The minute there's a war, oil prices are most likely gonna spike up.
And then really can huat big time hoarding your barrels of oil now.
Basically it's profiting on the blood of others.
Then CK said something about us Singaporeans in general being very sheltered.
Never seen war before, war's very terrible...taking things for granted etc etc.
Then the me...
being sheltered and taking things for granted just laughed it off and like some random bimbo went off to the weekly Thursday topic of...
"Where to Eat?"
...every Thursday we have to deliberate on this important question.
But right now,
I'm regretting that I said, what I said.
And feeling freaking lucky that I'm born in SG.
She was about to join in a protest against what's said to be rigged elections.
Now she's dead.
(Warning:Not suitable for minors.)
At first I thought they were doing CPR on her but they're actually trying to compress the wound.
And the blood just flows and flows...
Some people might think the person who shot the video and posted it on youtube is an idiot and not respecting the dead...
but I'd like to think that her death seen by soon to be millions and millions of people around the world will not be in vain.
CK, Gerry and I were chatting, can't remember if Dawnie was there but anyway...
the topic was about oil prices and war.
The minute there's a war, oil prices are most likely gonna spike up.
And then really can huat big time hoarding your barrels of oil now.
Basically it's profiting on the blood of others.
Then CK said something about us Singaporeans in general being very sheltered.
Never seen war before, war's very terrible...taking things for granted etc etc.
Then the me...
being sheltered and taking things for granted just laughed it off and like some random bimbo went off to the weekly Thursday topic of...
"Where to Eat?"
...every Thursday we have to deliberate on this important question.
But right now,
I'm regretting that I said, what I said.
And feeling freaking lucky that I'm born in SG.
She was about to join in a protest against what's said to be rigged elections.
Now she's dead.
(Warning:Not suitable for minors.)
'Neda's last words were: I'm burning, I'm burning!'
credit to wiki
At first I thought they were doing CPR on her but they're actually trying to compress the wound.
And the blood just flows and flows...
Some people might think the person who shot the video and posted it on youtube is an idiot and not respecting the dead...
but I'd like to think that her death seen by soon to be millions and millions of people around the world will not be in vain.
At 19:05 June 20th Place: Kargar Ave.,
at the corner crossing Khosravi St. and Salehi st.
A young woman who was standing aside with her father [SIC, later identified as her music teacher] watching the protests was shot by a basij member hiding on the rooftop of a civilian house.
He had clear shot at the girl and could not miss her.
However, he aimed straight her heart.
I am a doctor, so I rushed to try to save her.
But the impact of the gunshot was so fierce that the bullet had blasted inside the victim’s chest, and she died in less than 2 minutes.
The protests were going on about 1 kilometers away in the main street and some of the protesting crowd were running from tear gass used among them, towards Salehi St. The film is shot by my friend who was standing beside me.
Please let the world know."
credit to wiki